Registration (Registro de Estudiantes)

Jackie Franke
Jackie Franke
[email protected]
631-878-0162 x515


Welcome to Registration!

We want to provide insight into the essential role of the registrar in our school community. The registrar plays a crucial part in managing and maintaining student records, enrollment processes, and essential administrative functions. Here are the primary responsibilities of a registrar:

Enrollment and Registration: The registrar oversees the enrollment process for new and returning students. They manage the paperwork, documentation, and procedures necessary for students to join or continue attending our school. They ensure that all required forms and information are collected and stored accurately.

Student Records Management: The registrar maintains comprehensive student records, including academic transcripts, attendance records, grades, and personal information. They ensure the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of these records in compliance with legal regulations.

Compliance and Reporting: Registrars ensure that the school complies with federal, state, and local regulations regarding student records, attendance, and data reporting. They might be responsible for generating reports and submitting required information to educational authorities.

Support for Students and Parents: They serve as a resource for students and parents regarding enrollment procedures, academic records, and other administrative inquiries. Registrars often assist with resolving issues related to records or enrollment.

The registrar's attention to detail and commitment to maintaining accurate student records are fundamental to the functioning of our school. They play a pivotal role in supporting the educational journey of our students.

Should you have any questions or require assistance related to enrollment, student records, or administrative matters, please do not hesitate to contact our registrar, Mrs. Jackie Franke.

Registration Overview

Parents/Guardians who reside within the boundaries of the East Moriches Union Free School District must register all school-age children with the district. A registration packet must be completed for each student.

To register, please contact:
Jackie Franke
[email protected]
631-878-0162, ext. 515 for information.

Office hours:
Monday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 12:00pm.

Proof of Residency Required from Parent/Guardian

Home Owner

  • Deed, current mortgage statement, or current tax bill
  • Two (2) current utility bills (PSEG, SCWA, Cable, Fuel)
  • Photo Identification (Driver's license or state/government issued ID with current address)


  • Renter’s agreement or lease
  • Renter’s affidavit (notarized)
  • Landlord’s affidavit (notarized) and tax receipt
  • Two (2) current utility bill (PSEG, SCWA, Cable, Fuel)
  • Photo identification (Driver's license or state/government issued ID with current address)

Student Documentation Required

  • Copy of Original Birth Certificate
  • Physical and Immunization paperwork signed by a NYS doctor
  • Custody and/or Guardianship documents (divorced, separated parents or other special circumstances). Marriage certificate to include step-parents as guardians.
  • Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.) for special education or 504 Plan

Change of Contact Information

To update contact information, please complete the Student Information Updates form. Please forward the form to the Main Office of your child’s school.

Student Information Updates Form

Change of Address

Any change of address requires documentation be provided to Registration. No changes due to an address update will be made to a student’s transportation until approved by Registration.

Please click on the Student Information Updates for further instructions or contact Jackie Franke in Registration at [email protected] or 631-878-0162, ext. 515 for further assistance.

The Student Information Updates form and proof of residency should be forwarded to Jackie Franke in the Registrar’s Office.

Pre-School Special Education Services

If you are interested in having your non-school aged child screened for special education services, you will need to fill out a pre-school registration packet and provide proof of residency, as well as, other registration documents. Once your packet has been reviewed by the registrar, the information is forwarded on to the Special Education department. Please click the link below if you are interested in having your child screened by the Special Education department.

Once the packet is complete and all documents are gathered, please forward the packet to [email protected], or drop off at the Middle School at 9 Adelaide Ave, East Moriches. .

Universal Pre-Kindergarten Registration (Temporarily Unavailable)

East Moriches School District is pleased to work in cooperation with SCOPE Education Services to run a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program for a limited number of East Moriches children who will turn 4 on or before December 1st of each school year.

Currently, there is no cost to attend the program. Each year the district holds a lottery to enroll the children. In mid-January, the district puts the lottery application on its website. Each interested family must complete the lottery application and forward it to the Registrar’s office prior to the deadline stated on the application. Registration packets will be mailed out in March for completion prior to the lottery. Families do not need to be present to participate in the lottery. The lottery is typically held in April as documented on the lottery application.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our UPK program, please call Jackie Franke at 631-878-0162, ext. 515 or email at [email protected]. Please click the link below for a copy of the UPK Lottery Application or Registration Packet.

Kindergarten Registration

Eligible students must be five (5) years of age on or before December 1st of the school year during which the child begins school. Registration packets for enrollment for September will be available in February. If your child is currently attending the Universal Pre-K Program, your packet will be mailed home to you in February. To receive a packet, please call Jackie Franke at 631-878-0162, ext. 515 or email [email protected].

A physical exam that has been conducted no more than 12 months prior to the first day of school is acceptable. The Dental form is only requested, not required at this time.

High School Registration

As a K-8 school district, East Moriches currently affords its residents the choice of high school. Students may attend either Westhampton Beach, Center Moriches, or Eastport South Manor high school.

  • If your child attends 8th grade at East Moriches middle school, he/she will be taken through the process of high school selection with his/her guidance counselor.
  • If you have recently moved to the district and would like to enroll your child in high school, you will need to complete the high school registration packet which includes providing proof of residency. Click on the link below for the high school registration packet.

  • If you are a district resident whose child currently attends one of the above mentioned high schools and he/she would like to transfer to a different high school, you must submit your request, in writing, to the Superintendent stating why you are requesting the change and to which school. If your request is approved, you will then need to fill out the high school registration packet, which will include providing proof of residency.

Once the packet is complete and all documents are gathered, please forward the packet to Jackie Franke at [email protected] or drop it off at the Middle School, 9 Adelaide Ave, East Moriches.

Private School/Textbook Verification

If you plan on sending your child to private school and will need textbooks paid for by the school district, you will need to prove residency in the East Moriches school district. An initial registration packet will need to be completed for first time registrants.

Once the packet is complete and all documents are gathered, please forward the packet to Jackie Franke at [email protected] or drop it off at the Middle School, 9 Adelaide Ave, East Moriches. Please note the reason for the registration.

For those students already registered, verification of residency needs to be provided each year for textbook use. Simply forward two (2) forms of proof of residency to the registrar’s office via mail, fax, or email, [email protected], stating why you are forwarding the documents.

Acceptable proofs of residency:

  • Recent utility bills
  • Tax receipt
  • Mortgage statement